寫作小思考- 寫作原則 + 範例分享




4. 我如何安排我的段落?
5. 最後,我怎麼用轉折語或結構性語言等將我的文章串起來?(哪些字詞是大家常用的signposting language? 哪些是一般人比較不常用的字詞?)

  1. Some people say that children should spend their free time on free clubs and extra classes. Others, however, believe they should spend their leisure time doing activities with their families. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.



    My answer:
    Whether youngsters should engage in classes or spend time with their close relatives is certainly up for debate. In this essay, I will discuss both of these views and conclude by giving my own statement of the issue.

    One argument in favor of school pupils attending societies or lessons in their free time is that children will gain new knowledge participating in these after-school activities. These events will help develop a childs cognitive abilities, and will help him become more energetic, more outgoing and more positive to the outside world. In addition, joining  football teams, knitting clubs or clubs of these sorts will also allow kids to develop their initial talent and potential interest. This can be a considerable benefit for their career development later in life.

    On the contrary, people who oppose to this view will argue that being with family benefit a child even more. When children spend leisure time with their parents and siblings, they are encouraged to appreciate virtues passed down through the family. In addition, it is undeniable that when children do their daily schedules under the companion of their family, they are  inclined to gain a sense of self-completeness. This self-completeness is owned to belief that their family are with them whatever they do. With this belief, children would not feel that abandoned and would thus gain confidence towards themselves.

    To sum up, it is certain that children will benefit from both of these activities. In my personal view, however, I would actually argue that children should split  equal amount of time between their family and other social activities. While giving time to family will enhance a childs self confidence, I truly believe that participating in school clubs also helps to build a mindset for success. Because of the reasons aforementioned, I will argue that it is always better for children to balance between the two, giving some time to both school and domestic activities.


Looking from my first draft, it is not difficult to see how I have played with my sentences. IELTS is NOT THE SAME as TOEFL, it requires examinees to write good sentence patterns and use THE RIGHT words. Of course, this writing sample is not perfect. It is, after all, my first draft for this topic, and it is written UNDER STRICT TIME CONTROL. Please keep this in mind, and look closely at my essay again. You might discover that, in order to become a good writer, you will need 1) a variety of precise language 2) some ideas to talk on 3) the ability to explain and to raise examples. In my writing, I have also tried to  extend my explanations to give my readers a clearer idea of what I am talking about; in addition, I did another thing: I changed my words CONSCIOUSLY while I wrote. This would be a challenge for you when you start your road to IELTS. However, it would be a fruitful journey, for you would discover that by collecting good words here and there, you will be building up a POWERFUL WORD BANK that will help you in expressing yourself more appropriately every time you speak OR write. To wrap up, I would like to say that: if we have all the time unlimited, of course we would be able to become the best writer. Yet, when time is short, learn to sacrifice. What do you MUST write about? And what do you WANT TO develop MORE on? To become a good writer, you should always have this mindset in heart.

To give you a refined version of my first draft, I would give you the following:

Some people say that children should spend their free time on free clubs and extra classes. Others, however, believe they should spend their leisure time doing activities with their families. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

My answer, refined version:

People have always debated heatedly on whether youngsters should engage in classes or spend time with their close relatives. People who support children to attend class activities say that being with schoolmates help children to learn teamwork and other essential skills; whereas people who argue that children should spend more time with their family believe that only precious time spent with family offers children a real self identity. In this essay, I will discuss both of these views and conclude by giving my own statement of the issue.

One argument in favor of school pupils attending societies or lessons in their free time is that children will gain new knowledge participating in these after-school activities. These after-school events will help develop a childs cognitive abilities, mainly referring to his ability to perceive, remember and imagine. Imagine if an eight-year-old boy attends music classes after school. By singing with the choir, he might probably understand that emotions can be expressed through music. He will also become more energetic, more outgoing and more positive to the outside world. Another benefit that school clubs offer to kids is a calling towards their inner self. In short, joining football teams, knitting clubs or clubs of these sorts will also allow kids to develop their initial talent and potential interest. For example, the child that attended choir might discover that he is actually quite talented in music, and he would probably set his life goal to become a musician in the future. In any means, this can be a considerable benefit for a childs career development later in life.

Indeed, while there are people agreeing to the benefits of school clubs, there are also people who oppose to it. These people argue that being with family benefit a child even more. The first and foremost benefit that children receive when spending leisure time with their parents and siblings is virtues passed down the family. A young girl, for example, will learn from her mother the importance of respecting others and working hard. In addition, these people also argue that when children do daily affairs under the accompany of family, they are inclined to be more confident. This confidence comes from a belief that their family would be with them whatever they do. Thus, a child will grow up to be fearless because he understands that he has nothing to lose. This mental strength is something that school activities will never provide.

To sum up, it is certain that children will benefit from both of these activities. In my personal view, however, I would actually argue that children should split equal amount of time between their family and other social activities. While giving time to family will enhance a childs self confidence, I truly believe that participating in school clubs also helps to build a mindset for success. Because of the reasons aforementioned, I will argue that it is always better for parents to allow their children to balance between the two, giving some time to both school and domestic activities.

As you can see, there is ALWAYS ROOM FOR DEVELOPMENT, as long as you try.
So, write precise, and, write fast.


在時間限制下,這篇文章並不完美。這是針對一個主題的草稿,這篇文章,是在嚴格的時間控制下寫出來的。如果你理解以上的這些條件,然後再回頭看我的文章,你會發現:在時間壓力下想趕出一篇還算不錯的初稿,你需要培養以下三個技能:1. 你需要有一定的句型量和字庫 2. 你需要可以講的東西(別讓你的文章空洞乏味)3. 你需要會延伸、會舉例。

在我的文章裡,我確實有嘗試在多處地方用例子引導我的讀者;同時,我還做了很重要的事:I CHANGED my WORDS CONCIOUSLY while I wrote. 也就是說,我是一邊一寫一邊抽換字詞的,而非全部寫完,再來抽換字詞。從此,你就可以理解了,字詞的靈活度對於一個寫作者相當重要,所謂的靈活,應是可以隨時使用、並應知道該如何用。



說了那麼多,最後,在文章的上面,我附了我的Revised version of this essay. 


